Our Childcare Centre in Highland Park caters for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. We are close to Howick, Bucklands Beach, Pakuranga and Botany.
February fun in Pre School
The Preschool children have come back all refreshed and ready for a busy 2015. We would also like to welcome Bella, Isaac, William and Michael to the Preschool room. They have all settled in well and enjoying making new friends.
2015 has started off with the children participating in some exciting sensory experiences, which they have really enjoyed and we will continue to research new ideas. Plenty of children have taken part in writing their own names using shaving foam also mixing dyes and making their own creative concoctions.
Our children have actively being involved in turning the gardens upside down looking for insects and bugs. This interest began with a slug being found in the playground. Here the children took responsibility in making sure the slug had food and water. They also researched in books and used magnifying glasses to observe the insects up closely. All the children continue to be actively involved and are certainly showing keen interest towards bugs. We will continue to provide the children with ample opportunities to learn more about insects and bugs. We look forward to setting up some investigation stations both inside and out. If you find any creepy crawlies at home or have any books relating please send them in with your child.
With it still being relatively sunny and warm please ensure your child has a named hat that can stay at Rockabye for the week. We are also encouraging children to bring their togs for water play activities. Let’s hope this lovely sunny weather continues for awhile yet.