Evaluation of Rockabye Early Learning Centre
How well placed is Rockabye Early Learning Centre to promote positive learning outcomes for children?
Rockabye Early Learning Centre provides high quality education and care that promotes positive learning outcomes for children.
ERO's findings that support this overall judgement are summarised below.
Rockabye Early Learning Centre is an education and care centre in Highland Park licensed for 50 children. It caters for pre-school children from 3-5 years of age and infants and toddlers from0-3 years in two separate areas on the same site. The centre draws its children from the multi cultural local community.
The owner and supervisor provide stable, knowledgeable leadership and management for the centre. They are well guided by the curriculum leader who supports them with curriculum development and staff training. Head teachers are responsible for leadership in the separate pre-school and infants and toddlers areas.
The centre has made significant progress in addressing the areas for development noted in the 2011 ERO report. There has been positive development in programmes, transition processes, matching centre values to the philosophy, and in planning to meet the individual interests of children.
Refurbishments to the outdoor environments of both the pre-school and infants and toddlers have improved the safety and learning opportunities for all children.
The centre philosophy is based around trust, quality and integrity. The centre aims for trusting relationships in all aspects of centre operations, the provision of quality education and care and the delivery of what it promises.
There is consistent, effective, teaching practice accross both the pre-school and infants and toddler's rooms. Children are happy, settled, and engaged with a strong sense of belonging. They are encouraged to make choices and be problem solvers. Teachers ask open-ended questions of children to allow their interests to lead future learning. Children are encouraged to enjoy social interactions and take considered risks. Teachers are positive, sensitive and responsive in their interactions with children. Children are involved in rich literacy, numeracy and science opportunities and the environments encourage exploration. Teachers recognise and use learning opportunities within routines. Children benefit from teachers maintaining a calm slow pace in which younger children have space and time to lead their own learning.
The centre curriculum promotes positive outcomes for all children. Responsive, reciprocal and respectful relationships are formed with each family. Parents and children contribute to the curriculum which responsive to infant, toddlers and young children's deep interests. The curriculum recognises and values the importance of children learning through increasingly complex play. Assessment information is available to children so they can revisit and share their learning with others. A particular feature of the curriculum is the encouragement of infants and toddlers to become confident and competent communicators and explorers. Sound transition procedures from infants and toddlers to the pre-school ensure that children move easily and confidently to the new situation.
The language, culture and identity of each child is fostered by the curriculum. The curriculum supports and encourages the success of Maori and Pacific children. Teachers take personal responsibility for learning and using the reo Maori and integrating this meaningfully into the programme. The skills and knowledge that whanau Maori bring to the service are incorporated into programmes.
The centre has a strong sense of purpose and direction. The vision reflects a commitment to high quality early childhood education for all children. The philosophy and associated goals and plans are clearly influenced by the aspirations of parents and whanau, are linked to positive learning outcomes for children, and are strongly evident in centre practices. Centre owner and management personnel have a good understandings of, and capability to carry out their roles. Sound policies and procedures guide inclusive practice at all levels of the service. There is a focus on using self review to bring about continual improvement in most aspects of centre operations.
There is effective leadership at all levels of the centre. Staff work as a team in an environment where trust and respect are valued. Leaders and teachers understand parents and whanau aspirations and expectations and are responsive to issues, concerns or questions they may have. Leaders are focused on improving the quality of education and care and provide sound guidance and support for teachers. Teaching practice is being improved through highly effective ongoing professional development, and coaching and mentoring for teachers by the curriculum leader, and by giving time for them to reflect on their practice.
If you wish to read the full ERO report of Rockabye Early Learning Centre, you can download the PDF version of the ERO report here.